Keno Game: Introduction

Keno is a popular casino or gambling game that is also referred to as a lottery game. Traditionally, Keno was popular in casinos, bars, and lottery houses. However, in today’s time, Keno is more popular on the digital scene. People who used to play Keno in the casinos have now shifted to digital boards.

The rules of the Keno are basic. We just have to select or choose the numbers, and the Kink Game will generate the 20 numbers automatically. The more our selected numbers match with the randomly generated numbers, the more money we will get.

How the Keno Game Started? 

Keno originated 3000 years ago in the Hans Dynasty of China. At that time, there was a shortage of money in the King’s treasury. 

Instead of directly taxing the people, King invented a new game called Keno which he used to collect taxes from the army men and the commoners. It made it easy to collect tax as the soldiers used to play it and a certain portion of game bids used to go to the King’s treasury.

Setup Required to Play Keno

If you are playing the Keno game online, then you don’t need anything other than a computer with the internet. You just have to select any website or the application where Keno games are available and you are good to go.

If you want to play Keno in your house or with friends, you just need a few things to play Keno. Like, you need a Keno card where you will find 1 to 80 numbers. You have to mark the numbers(1-8) before playing the Keno game on that card. Second thing, you need an automatic number-generating machine which is called a Keno machine. That machine will generate the 20 numbers from 1 to 80 randomly.

Understanding the Rules of Keno

Understanding the Rules of Keno

The Keno game is simple, you will be given a card or you will see a screen board if you are playing on the computer or mobile phone. 

You will see 80 numbers on the card displayed, 1 to 80, and now you have to choose (2-8) numbers from that Keno card. You can choose and mark any number in any sequence. For example, you can select 8 numbers as:

(2, 5, 76, 45, 22, 23, 24, 70)

Now if you are playing Keno on a physical board you have to give that marked number to the Keno officer and bid the amount you want to bet. If you are playing in a Keno on a computer screen now you have to select a bid amount you want to bid on the game and select to start the game.

Now the Keno Machine or Keno game(if you’re playing online)  will generate 20 numbers randomly from the board. If the numbers that you chose before match with the randomly generated numbers by the Keno game, you’ll win.

Let’s make it more clear. We have selected the 8 numbers. Suppose, out of our selected numbers (2, 5, 76, 45, 22, 23, 24, 70), we see 6 numbers matched with the randomly generated numbers by the Keno Machine, we will win the bid and we’ll receive our money multiplied by a certain amount.

So more the selected numbers match with the randomly generated Keno number, we’ll get back more times the applied bid amount. If none of the numbers match, we will lose our bet. The winning amount depends upon the Keno machine. Different Keno officers provide different winning amounts for our bid amount.

Understanding the Number selection

Understanding the Number selection

In the Keno game, we have the option to select the 2-8 numbers. Suppose, we only selected 2 numbers. And, 1 out of 2 numbers matched with the Keno machine-generated numbers. So, we will win and get our money multiplied. 

There is also a scenario. Suppose, we have selected 8 numbers in the Keno card. Then, only 1 number matched with the Keno game-generated numbers. We will lose our money in that condition.

There is a third scenario also. Suppose, we have selected 4 numbers. And, 1 number matched with the Keno machine-generated numbers. There is a high possibility that we will get our money refunded. 

So, the Keno works in this way, the more the selected numbers match with the Keno machine-generated numbers, we will win more of our betting.

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